Monday, November 22, 2021

Trees , Camel Tale #17


Monkey said '  sitting on the bank of the Nile, sure got a lot of figs.

Camel said" sure got a lot of dates and look at this its called a skitter net.

I traded some figs for it with the fig merchant very busy that guy writing 

stories about himself, said I would need this for the plagues busy talking all the time

 He was up north now here in the south he said he was from here called himself

 Moses of Egypt I think I was his camel once upon a time."

Monkey said" Well I pretty much finished , Growing 101 from the Burning Bush . 

I am still very tender from that scorching mountain trip,  I sure want to talk to that fig guy Moses of Egypt."

Camel said" He is a lot like you He also talked to the Bush .

Monkey said" Well that cuts it  I got to go see him ! maybe his stories are like my story

just in the mind of some tree monkey 3500 years from now no danger come on with me.

Well My O MY that is him alone by the reeds. 

Moses of Egypt spoke gently to Monkey 
The bush burns on you, The man of understanding is aware of the shadow and discerns the direction of the light. Satin is part of our structure of understanding where we come from where we go to.

Satin is on the dust of the earth lowest of our understanding just loss and gain the basic principle that causes bondage. The arrogance and presumption of good and evil. It comes from the Satin tree.

Satin was committed to the dust of the earth.  Higher understanding is on the mountain where awareness of the shadow on the ,ground from the trees. So it is one of the 12 ways a duality of the 12 abilities.

Prosperity seems to be a sufficient God virtue however the ebb and tide of it grinds up the ignorant , poor, desperate ,captives,  criminals, addicts and the ambitious tyrants. 

Remember when you were on God's Mountain you were alone. Now here is a prophesy you and I will leave Egypt alone, you said they love being on the Nile they will not go .So let it be written. Soon we must go through the great sea of water on to the wilderness To Grow having overcome the evil one. I will watch you I may not lead you dear Monkey you must fight your own battles and glories.

May the Pillars of Your God be with you 

  By Moses of Iowa

1 comment:

  1. Moses of Egypt and the fig tree
    For it should not baffle you.
