Sunday, June 27, 2021

Port of Paducah


Page 2, Camel Tales and Moses sayings

Moses said,"

In the beginning Cro-Magnon man found himself immersed under symbols, words, concepts and a three pound brain which he thought he ought not eat. So he made figures out of them.

Enlightenment is the acquisition of mind to infinite growth, vague definition.

The twelve ways provide protection from the ten thousand trips that could stop you.

Moses presented the twelve tribes as part of the great event that occurs inside of us. 

Tribes, virtues, attributes, abilities of the mind. 

Camel Tale # 9

In the beginning was an idea who fell upon the hump of a camel.

Idea “O Great Camel deliver me across the searing desert to the monkey for we must return his tail before man consumes all of us." The camel with the power of his hump realized the importance of this task. Idea, “ O Great Camel where has the monkey gone? for we have crossed the searing desert? 

O Great Camel, “ Fear not little idea have faith we shall find the monkey."

Whereupon, the camel found a very hungry man who had lost his tail. The man complained that natural selection had stolen his tail, then begged may I eat you delicious camel? O Great Camel said, “ Help me find the monkey and I will give you some straw to eat.” The little idea tried very hard to present himself as tasty and filling but failed, the man could not get his mind around it.

So naturally the man selected the camel to eat, ate it all except for the tail. Proclaiming I never had a tail ! 

May your inner companion be a good heart and a Great Hump Hope.

By Moses of Iowa , Blessings from Ishmael and the 12 Princes of the Desert

The 12 Ways.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Port of Paducah

 Old Moses and Moses of Iowa bring understanding from the desert and the waters.

Seek, Rest and Growing is the spirit of a Noble Character.

Satan came from the tree of good and evil then became the ruler of the world.

Growing is the beginning and the light of mind to the great increase.

Old Moses and Moses of Iowa are all about where from and where to.

Blessings from the Desert