Friday, November 23, 2018

The Twelve Ways Brings The Increase

The Twelve Ways 

These are the Tribes, Virtues, Attributes, or Abilities

  To Grow for protection from corruption now and beyond
  the purging flood, fire, leap the exodus that will come to those who
  love Growing.
May your inner companion be a good heart.

Reuven:      Dignity , Forgive yourself, out grow foolishness
                  Answer to the Lord is the beginning of a good heart.
                  Excellent in Honor, above reproach,           

Simon:        Zeal for argument, the seeker.
              the warrior of mind

Levi:           Makes Holy, keeps Important,
                  enters the Sabbath chambers of rest
                  teacher and calls all together

Judah:        Restraint, emotional intelligence
              and pursues simplicity

Zebulen:    Curiosity, never accepts his ignorance
              provider of new possibilities
              the fisherman                     

Issachar:   Sabbath no loss or gain no work.
              engaging the Holy Spirit with chanting
              or serious mediation
              I shall not want                 

Dan:          Judgment, openness, self testing
                  never give evil for evil
                  only God can wield Justice and not gloat

Gad:          Humility, literacy,
                 always knows he can make mistakes

Naphtali:    Honesty, the uncontested virtue

Asher:        Respect, Seek the interest of others
               Love, gratitude, praise

Joseph:      Understanding, the fruit of a complete picture
               prophecy, authority

Benjamin:   Empathy, Sharing
                  The paradox of the wolf
                   persecution and ridicule
                  I am the last virtue, Crying " The Son of Man"

        The Twelve Ways and The Great Purging
        May this be God’s blessing
        who love Growing
                        By Moses of Iowa

Camel tale #7

O Camel its me Monkey, "I heard from an Egyptian that Israel got his name from a wrestling match with God. Well now, how can a man wrestle with God? Most likely it was an angel, just a messenger sent to change his name."

O Camel, "Greetings Monkey. Yes he got his blessing, and no it was not any angel. Those Egyptians love to try to make sense of anything they don't understand so they twisted the story. The men of Egypt can't tell an angel from a devil from a Crock of bull. But old Moses hides the important things from them in stories so wise men can dope it out."

Monkey, "So why is your twist better? And where are you going with this story O Great hump?"

O Camel, "O curious Monkey thank you for the glory. Old Moses was very wise to hide wisdom. Now I will show you the wonder of this wisdom. The 12 Ways are very important and Moses put Jacob in a match with God to exalt the 12 Ways. Old Jacob is very strong and very important. The match lasted a long long time. To show the value of the 12 Virtues Jacob won his blessing from God and was given the name Israel. With only a bit of damage to his hip socket."

Peace Be Upon You
By Moses Of Iowa

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